Thursday, July 7, 2011


I was born and raised in New Jersey. My parents are of Filipino descent. In high school, I took two years of Spanish while in college, I took two semesters of French. I am not fluent in tagalog (Filipino), Spanish or French; however, I do know many languages within the English language.

I am fluent in:

- Fuzzy Logic
- Asshole
- Sarcasm
- Professionalism

The purpose of my blog is to use my personal experiences to show you how these "languages" can and should be used. If you were in France, would you not want to try to at least know some French? Well, if you are in a sticky situation, would you not want to know some "Asshole" to protect yourself?

I have a deep appreciation for words and how easily they can be manipulated has always intrigued me.

Believe me, I am still trying to learn some more languages such as Female, Pleasant, and Genuine. As I learn, I will certainly keep you afloat.